Rice, Douglas. Lighting the Way: Federal Courts, Civil Rights, and Public Policy. University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville, VA.
Reviewed in The Law & Politics Book Review here, Perspectives on Politics here, Political Science Quarterly here, and Journal of Supreme Court History here.
Bailey, Christine, Paul Collins, Jesse Rhodes, and Douglas Rice. “The Effect of Judicial Decisions on Issue Salience and Legal Consciousness in Media Serving the LGBTQ+ Community.” American Political Science Review
Awarded the 2022 Best Conference Paper Award by APSA Law & Courts Section.
Keith, Katherine, Ankita Gupta, Erica Cai, Douglas Rice, and Brendan O’Connor. “Understanding the Effect of Gender in Supreme Court Oral Arguments.” The Journal of Law & Courts.
Bailey, Christine, Paul Collins, Jesse Rhodes, and Douglas Rice. “Legal Entrepreneurship, Specialized Media, and the Evolution of Legal Consciousness: The Case of Marriage Equality.” Law & Society Review
McCarthy, Lauren, Douglas Rice, and Aleks Lokhmutov. “Four Months of ‘Discrediting the Military’: Repressive Law in Wartime Russia.” Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization.
Nteta, Tatishe, Jesse Rhodes, and Douglas Rice. “Same As It Ever Was? The Impact of Racial Resentment on White Juror Decision-Making.” The Journal of Politics.
Goelzhauser, Greg, Benjamin Kassow, and Douglas Rice. “Measuring Supreme Court Case Complexity.” Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization. [pdf]
Keith, Katherine, Douglas Rice, and Brendan O'Connor. “Text as Causal Mediators: Research Design for Causal Estimates of Differential Treatment of Social Groups via Language Aspects.” Causal Inference & NLP Workshop at the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)
Bushouse, Brenda, Charles Schweik, Saba Siddiki, Douglas Rice, and Isaac Wolfson. “The Institutional Grammar: A Method for Coding Institutions and its Potential for Advancing Third Sector Research.” VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations
Rice, Douglas, Saba Siddiki, Seth Frey, Hyoung-Keun Kwon, and Adam Sawyer. “Machine Coding with the Grammar of Institutions.” Public Administration. [pdf] [supplement]
Rice, Douglas, Brian Schaffner, and David Barney. “Political Ideology and Issue Importance.” Political Research Quarterly. [pdf] [supplement] [replication data]
Nteta, Tatishe and Douglas Rice. “Driving a Wedge? Micro-Targeting and the Impact of Republican Campaign Appeals on African American Vote Choice.” Political Research Quarterly. [pdf]
Rice, Douglas, Jesse Rhodes, and Tatishe Nteta. “Racial Bias in Legal Language." Research and Politics. [pdf] [supplement] [replication data]
Rice, Douglas and Christopher Zorn. "Corpus-based Dictionaries for Sentiment Analysis of Specialized Vocabularies." Political Science Research & Methods. [pdf] [supplement] [replication data]
Rice, Douglas. "Measuring the Issue Content of Supreme Court Opinions." The Journal of Law & Courts. [pdf] [supplement] [replication data]
Rice, Douglas. "Placing the Ball in Congress’ Court: Congressional Responses to Supreme Court Requests." American Politics Research [pdf] [supplement]
Rice, Douglas. "Issue Divisions and U.S. Supreme Court Decision Making." The Journal of Politics 79(1):210-222. [pdf] [supplement] [replication data]
Cranmer, Skyler, Douglas Rice and Randolph Siverson. "What to do about Atheoretic Lags." Political Science Research & Methods. [pdf] [replication data]
Clark, Tom, Jeffrey Lax and Douglas Rice. "Measuring the Political Salience of Supreme Court Cases." The Journal of Law and Courts 3(1):36-65. [pdf] [replication data]
Rice, Douglas. "On Courts and Pocketbooks: Macroeconomic Judicial Behavior Across Methods of Judicial Selection." The Journal of Law and Courts 2(2):327-347.
Rice, Douglas. "The Impact of Supreme Court Activity on the Judicial Agenda." Law & Society Review 48(1): 63-90. [pdf]
Book Chapters
Rice, Douglas. 2020. “The Language of Newspaper Coverage of the U.S. Supreme Court.” In Jennifer Diascro, Rorie Solberg, and Eric Waltenburg, eds. Open Judicial Politics. Corvallis, OR: Open Textbook Initiative of Oregon State University Press.
Rice, Douglas and Christopher Zorn. 2016. "Troll-in-Chief? Affective Opinion Content and the Influence of the Chief Justice." In David Danelski & Artemus Ward, eds. The Chief Justice: Appointment and Influence. University of Michigan Press.
Nteta, Tatishe, Adam Eichen, Douglas Rice, Jesse Rhodes, and Justin H. Gross. 2024. “Yes, efforts to eliminate DEI programs are rooted in racism.” The Conversation, April 5, 2024. [link]
Rice, Douglas and Christopher Zorn. 2023. "Current Opportunities in Text-as-Data for Law & Courts Research" Law and Courts: The Newsletter of the Law and Courts Section 33(1):16-24.
Clark, Tom, Jeffrey Lax and Douglas Rice. 2014. "Measuring Salience as a Latent Variable." Law and Courts: The Newsletter of the Law and Courts Section 24(2):8-10.
Pierce, Caitlyn, Paul Collins, Jesse Rhodes, and Douglas Rice. Understanding Coverage of Rights Claiming in LGBTQ+ Media.
Caldeira, Greg, Douglas Rice, Charles Smith and Christopher Zorn. "The Ideological Content of Reversals and Affirmances Revisited"
Rice, Douglas and Christopher Zorn. “Dissenting, Consensus, and Collegiality on the U.S. Supreme Court.”
Rhodes, Jesse, Tatishe Nteta, and Douglas Rice. “Hidden in Plain Sight? Racial Bias in the United States Congress, 1967-2011.”
Rhodes, Jesse, Tatishe Nteta, Justin Gross, and Douglas Rice. “Is Justice (Color)Blind? The Language of Law, Racial Bias, and the Impact of Judicial Selection."
Eichen, Adam, Paul Collins, Jesse Rhodes, and Douglas Rice. “Mainstream and Specialized Media Coverage of LGBTQ+ Legal Disputes.”
Eichen, Adam, Maddi Hertz, Justin Gross, Tatishe Nteta, and Douglas Rice. “A Crisis of Elites Making? The Politics of Critical Race Theory and Wokeness in America”
McCarthy, Lauren, Aleks Lohkmutov, and Douglas Rice. Suppressing Wartime Dissent: The Two Faces of Legal Repression in Russia. (book manuscript)
Gross, Justin, Douglas Rice, and Shih-chan Dai. “Untangling Mixtures in Judicial Opinions.”